
Consistency is something that I am currently focusing on, right now it seems like everything is constantly changing which is a good thing in some cases. Becoming unfocused in these types of scenarios can become very distracting to the point that all you crave is consistency.

New shoes, new phone, new clothes, new job, new class, new car, new book, new phone case. There is always something new but is there something constant?  It is very easy to jump around but what If you made it an effort to remain consistent. It’s not considered hard, but it is hard at the same time if you get what I am trying to say 

I find myself as a 25-year-old female trying to do it all. I am at work trying to help my boss complete the Monday report, help my mom, and keep my mental health, I do it because I crave validation if it’s completed, I feel better but at what cost?

There comes a point where you just want a fresh slate, wanting to forget everything you know and just start fresh as a new human being, which is not always a bad thing it is quite liberating. As a child this thing called life seemed so easy without responsibilities, it was so much easier to make up your mind and to make simple decisions, now there are a lot of things we take into consideration before making that simple decision like finances, work decisions and things I have discussed before.

Support has a lot to do with consistency and remaining happy and balanced.  I believe this world is so driven off by feelings now that it feels almost like a crime to be able to express yourself. Everything is sped up and less personable or maybe I’m just maturing and seeing things I didn’t before.

The definition of Consistency is conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.

Conforming to something is very hard for everyone in the beginning because we are all nervous and anxious about the outcome which is very normal. We must apply ourselves to what we need to remain consistent. This is a daily practice we all must strive for.

I normally change topics every time I write but to remain consistent, I am and follow up with this subject and start posting my blogs Mondays

My last name is Mundy so I’m making I #MundyMonday stay tuned and stay blessed my loves 😊

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