Internal Changes

Internal changes happen daily and more often than we even realize, and it is something that is subconsciously happening every day. Internal changes are described as, coming or acting within involving the spiritual or mental life. This is a subject that goes unnoticed and is not talked about enough throughout the world and I think we owe it to ourselves to explore this topic.

Internal change is a good thing because change means we are not in the same place we once were. Change means there is growth to be made in order to see things from a different perspective. Internal changes occur when we are going through different phases in our lives. Examples of these includes, relationship changes, familial status, Our children, Job changes, etc. Anytime things happen that are not part of our daily routine is considered a changed. Based on how you perceive it can be completely different.

Emotional changes occur when we are processing what we are going through mentally. Based on our emotional reaction, this is how we will handle the situation going forward. Some examples of internal emotional responses are shame, contentment, pride, and surprise.  These types of emotions are what we are feeling inside those projects in ways outside of us. Some negative emotional responses can include, anger, fear, disgust, etc. it is very important to make sure we are surrounding ourselves around people and things that are healthy for us and are providing healthy responses for ourselves, so our minds are a happy place to be in.

We often blame others for how they make us feel instead of trying to really figure out why we are feeling this way in the first place. For example, many of us have road rage and know it’s a problem but never took the time to figure out why it truly makes you upset or frustrated so, just react first. We put ourselves in positions we don’t even have to be in because we aren’t focusing on the right internal changes.

 When things happen, we don’t have control over, or things happen we don’t always agree with pay attention to the internal change it brings to you. It will be your growing steppingstone and something to keep in mind going forward in the future.

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